imported product investigation

Export attention! Indonesia, Brazil, and Türkiye have recently launched investigations into these pr

Recently, Indonesia, Brazil, Turkey, Madagascar and other countries have launched anti-dumping, anti-circumvention and safeguard measures investigations against imported cotton fabrics, cotton yarns, stainless steel cold-rolled plates, hot-rolled plate coils, diapers and other products.

Türkiye: Launches anti-dumping investigation into China-related hot-rolled coils!

On October 31, the Turkish Ministry of Trade issued Announcement No. 2023/31, which initiated an anti-dumping investigation into hot-rolled coils originating in China, India, Japan and Russia at the request of Turkish steel producers. The announcement shall be effective from the date of issuance. Stakeholders should submit questionnaires within 37 days of the announcement.

Brazil: Launches anti-circumvention investigation into Chinese stainless steel cold-rolled plates!

On October 27, the Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services issued Announcement No. 45 of 2023, stating that it would launch an anti-circumvention investigation into 2xx series and AISI410 stainless steel products originating in China to review whether the relevant products exist The act of circumventing the currently effective anti-dumping measures for flat-rolled austenitic 304 (304, 304L and 304H) stainless steel and 430 cold-rolled ferritic stainless steel plates with a thickness of 0.35 mm or more and 4.75 mm or less through slight changes.

Indonesia: Initiate safeguard measures investigation on imported cotton yarn, imported cotton fabric, imported man-made filament woven fabric, and imported man-made filament yarn!

On October 27, at the request of Indonesian domestic manufacturers, the Indonesian Safeguards Committee (KPPI) launched a safeguard investigation into imported cotton yarn. Stakeholders should register their responses in electronic and paper versions within 15 days from the date of filing the case. The hearing is expected to be held on Tuesday, November 28, from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. (GMT+7). Interested parties should submit written hearing applications, case comments and evidence materials before November 21.

On October 27, at the request of Indonesian domestic manufacturers, KPPI launched a safeguard measure investigation on imported cotton fabrics. Stakeholders should register their responses in electronic and paper versions within 15 days from the date of filing the case. The hearing is expected to be held on Wednesday, November 29, from 2 to 4 pm (GMT+7). Interested parties should submit written hearing applications, case comments and evidence materials before November 22.

On October 27, at the request of Indonesian domestic manufacturers, KPPI launched a safeguard measure investigation on imported man-made filament woven fabrics. Stakeholders should register their responses in electronic and paper versions within 15 days from the date of filing the case. The hearing is expected to be held from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. (GMT+7) on Wednesday, November 29. Interested parties should submit written hearing applications, case comments and evidence materials before November 24.

On October 27, at the request of Indonesian domestic manufacturers, KPPI launched a safeguard measure investigation on imported man-made filament yarns. Stakeholders should register their responses in electronic and paper versions within 15 days from the date of filing the case. The hearing is expected to be held on Tuesday, November 28, from 2 to 4 pm (GMT+7). Interested parties should submit written hearing applications, case comments and evidence materials before November 24.

Madagascar: Launching safeguard measures investigation on diapers and sanitary napkins!

On October 30, the WTO Safeguards Committee released the safeguard notification submitted to it by the Madagascar delegation. On October 25, at the request of Madagascar’s domestic industry, the Madagascar Investigation Agency (ANMCC) launched a safeguard investigation into imported diapers and sanitary napkins. At the same time, it was decided to impose a 27% temporary safeguard tax on the products involved from the date of filing the case. The measures are valid for 200 days.